


  首先,学霸和学渣最大区别,学渣是看着连环画长大的,而中国学霸则是读着励志名人书籍长大的!比如《如何成为学校里的霸!》   Motivational Books:“How to be a High School Superstar”   而与中国学生仅仅通过学习优秀学生经验来寻找成功的方法不同,西方的生会寻求许多其他的方法,比如阅读那些擅长大学录取方面事务的专家的书。   As opposed to finding success only through stellar students,Western high school students have resorted to using other methods as well such as reading books from authors who are skilled on the topic of college/university admissions.   而前常春藤的面试官米歇尔博士就十分推荐这类能够“击中要害”的书籍。   Dr.Michele Hernandez,who is a former Ivy League admissions officer,highly praised the book for“hitting the nail on the head.”   据亚马逊书评显示,一些读者认为这种书旨在通过鼓励学生“变得聪明,与众不同,打破常规”来取得成功。   According to Amazon reviews,some readers noted the books'success lies in encouraging students to"be smart enough but really unusual/different in some unconventional way."   买笔记?卖笔记?一不小先就犯法   Run-in with the Law:Selling Notes   其实买卖笔记在中国的体制下虽然很受欢迎,但是在西方学生中并不热门。这更多是由于买卖笔记和法律挂钩。   Selling notes for profit are way less popular for Western students than their Chinese counterparts.This can be due to a run-in with the law.   从加利福尼亚大学毕业的莱恩·史蒂芬创建了NoteUtopia.com这个平台,让学生们可以买卖笔记,而这一行动却惊动了加州警方,他们表示这种将笔记用于商业用途的行为是违反了加州法的。   Ryan Stevens,graduate from California State University,created NoteUtopia.com allowing students to buy and sell notes which alerted the university to pursue legal action as there is a"provision of California's education code that prohibits students from selling or distributing class notes for commercial purposes".   教授们表示,笔记都是他们费心费力为学生准备的宝贵,这样随意买卖盈利是非常不公平的。   Professors said that after they spent hours putting together course materials it was unfair for others to profit from them.   看来国外学霸注定与中国学霸不同,他们根本无处买笔记。   最后一点区别,就是学习动机不同   High Achievers:Motivation   中国学生其实执着于成为班里的前几名,而外国学生更在乎自己在学习的同时是否有一个的生活方式,他们认为的生活方式对学业成功十分重要。   While many Chinese students are obsessed with becoming the top of their class,Western students focus on living a balanced,healthy,lifestyle which they argue contribute to their academic success.   许多人其实都十分好奇,学霸们如何不借助外部因素,而自己激励自己努力学习的。   One big part of the argument is how top students are self-motivated,and don't depend on external motivation.   尖子生最大的秘诀就是把压力看做动力而不是阻碍。   Top students have a competitive streak:Stress should be viewed positively to motivate you rather than negatively.   他们爱学习,而不是为了分数而学习。   Top students love to learn-It's not about the"grades"but the desire and thirst for knowledge.   今天的内容就介绍到这里了。 <


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