



听力(每小题1.5 分;满分30分)

1---5 ACBAB 6----10 BCCBA 11----15ABABC 16---20 CABAB


21---25 DCDBA 26---30BACBD 31----35 CABDC 36----40 BCFED


41---45 DABBD 46---50 ACCBD 51---55 BDCAA 56---60 CABDB

B 卷

听力(每小题1.5 分;满分30分)

1---5 CCBAA 6----10 BCCBC 11----15ABABC 16---20 BABAB


21---25 BCDBA 26---30BADBD 31----35 CABDC 36----40 BCFED


41---45 DABBD 46---50 ACCBD 51---55 BDCAA 56---60 CABDB

语法知识填空(每小题1.5 分;满分15分)

61. determines 62. higher 63. to change 64. on/into 65. simply

66. intelligent 67.invented 68. that 69. predicting 70. both


When our children were young, supper time was always interrupted by ∧


neighborhood children. They wanted their children to go out and play. Finally we


have a good idea. We put up a sign on the door where read:“We are having dinner.

had which

Come back late.” That evening we guessed we could eat supper without

later have

interruption. And just as soon as we sat at the table, the doorbell rang again. Outside


of the door was standing little Bob. He said curious, “I just want to know what the


sign say”.



Dear Phelps,

I’m Li Hua. From the Internet I’ve learned that you hope to have a Chinese friend, who will help you to learn Chinese. I’m very interested in it and I’d like to suit your purpose. As a senior high school student from China, I’m good at both English and Chinese. Also I’m an open-minded and talkative boy. I enjoy making friends and I’m always ready to help others. I believe I can be of great help to you and you will be able to make progress in Chinese. In that case, to get a better understanding of China is just a matter of time for you. Trust me!

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua


Text 1

W: Jack, look at this photo! It was taken at John and Anne’s wedding ceremony ten years ago.

M: I know. I couldn’t believe I had such long hair. It’s so funny, isn’t it?

Text 2

M: I need some cash for my trip to Macao tomorrow. I’ll have to run and get some.

W: I will go with you. I need some fresh air and exercise.

Text 3

M: Hi, Lisa. Shirley and I are going for a drink after work at the usual place. Would you like to come along?

W: My car is in the repair shop, and I have to pick it up. You go ahead and I’ll meet you there.

Text 4

M: I didn’t have any trouble in finding accommodation in Russia.

W: According to my experience there, it sounds too good to be true.

Text 5

W: What were you doing yesterday evening?

M: I was watching TV at home. Why?

W: I called you, but you didn’t answer.

M: Sorry. The sound control of my phone was accidently shut off and I didn’t hear anything.

Text 6

W: What’s going on between you and Charlie? Did you have a fight or something?

M: No. But I can’t stand him anymore. He’s the worst roommate I’ve ever had! He never cleans up and he’s always listening to loud music when I try to get some sleep.

W: Why don’t you have a heart-to-heart talk with him?

M: I tried, but it didn’t work. Maybe you can talk to him. After all, you’re his close friend.

Text 7

W: Well, I certainly have enjoyed my stay in Edinburgh, Peter. Thanks for all your help. And thanks to Jean as well for showing me around.

M: Well, we both enjoyed it, too. How long will you stay in York before you go back?

W: Two days. Look, when are you going to be in London again? You must bring Jean with you and we can all get together again.

M: Yes, I’ll do that. That’s your train, isn’t it?

W: Yes, I’d better go. OK. Thanks again. Bye!

M: Bye, Sue. Don’t forget to give my regards to John.

W: I won’t. Bye!

Text 8

W: Where’s the report I asked you to finish for today, Doug?

M: I’m really sorry, Ms. Jenson, but it’s not quite ready. I’ll have it by tomorrow.

W: That’ll be late. It is needed at the board meeting this afternoon. You’ve been working on it for two weeks.

M: I’ve just had a lot of other things to do, and I still haven’t caught up with the work I missed while I was on vacation.

W: Well, I’m really tired of your excuses. Your work has been done badly for the past few months. I’ve said a few things about it, but nothing seems to help.

M: I am really sorry. I know I’m not working up to my abilities. You’ll see a real improvement in my work from now on, Ms. Jenson. I can promise you that.

W: I certainly hope so. I know you’re able to do much better than you’ve shown in the last few months.

Text 9

M: Betty, who is the beautiful old lady in front of the house?

W: That’s my grandma.

M: Oh, then that’s must be your house in the background. Where is it?

W: No, that’s my grandma’s house. She lives in Kentucky. We live in Boston, about two and a half hours away by plane.

M: Then, does she live with your uncle or aunt?

W: No. Since my grandpa died, she has lived alone.

M: Alone? But she is so old! Who takes care of her?

W: She takes care of herself, though she was 81 this year and is beginning to slow down a little. She has a cleaning lady who comes for a few hours a week to clean the house and help with the shopping.

M: But isn’t she lonely without family?

W: Of course not. She has lived with the same neighborhood since she was first married, so she knows all of the neighbors, young and old, and she has lots of friends.

M: Why doesn't she live with you? Don’t you miss her?

W: Well, actually, we talked to her on the phone every week and visit her at least once a year, but we are busy with our lives and so is she. We’d like to have her visit, but we all know that if she lived with us, we might not get along so well.

Text 10

M: Hello, I am Killen Robinson. And this is London Life. In the program today, let me ask you a question first: What do you think would be the hardest job in Britain? A police officer? Perhaps a deep-sea fisherman? Well, no, according to a recent research, being a London taxi driver takes that prize. It’s really a hard job, really difficult. One reason is the traffic. It’s getting worse and worse in London. For most of us, if we have to sit in the traffic jam for a few minutes, we get anxious. But imagine if you had to do that all day, every day as your job. What’s more, passengers get into the taxi and want to get from A to B as quickly as possible. They are in a hurry, and that make things worse for the drivers. To prepare for the test, would-be drivers had to remember ways and places of interest around central London. This is an area which has about 25,000 streets. They need to be able to take passengers from A to B without having to look at a map and without having to ask for directions. It usually takes nearly 3 years to pass the test, so it is also found in the research that parts of the brains of taxi drivers are actually larger than those in the general population. It seems that learning all the streets and ways makes a part of the brain grow. Well, anyway, this is a most tiring job. Next time when you are stuck in a traffic jam and feel mad, spare a thought for the taxi drivers who have to spend most of their working life in them.


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