
Donald wants to go fishing. He asks his father to go with 51 , but his father is too busy to go. "Mom, can you go with me?" asks Donald. " Sorry, I"m doing the dishes and 52 I have to go to work," says Morn. He doesn"t have any brothers or sisters. "I think I"ll go 53 ," he says.
Donald rides his bike and 54 out. His dog, Pooch, follows him. "Do you want to go fishing with 55 , Pooch? OK! Let"s go!"
They leave for the river. In about ten minutes, they arrive at the 56
In five minutes, Donald 57 a fish. Pooch thinks it funny to watch the 58 move on the grass.
In three hours Donald gets five fish. Then he brings them 59
When he gets home, Pooch sits 60 him. "Thanks for going with me, Pooch."
In the evening, Donald and his parents eat the fish for dinner. Pooch doesn"t like to eat fish, but he is very happy to eat bones.
(A. me B. river C. fish D. myself E. goes
F. next G. then H. home I. him J. gets )

51~55 IGDEA 56~60 BJCHF


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