
Hello, everyone .I’m Wang Li .Now let me 1 you my dream job .I’m going to be an 2 doctor because I like animals very much . 3 can I be doctor for animals First ,I’m going to study 4 now at school .Then I’m going to go to a 5 university 6 more about animals .After I leave university ,I’m going to 7 a job 8 a doctor in an animal hospital .After many years ,I’m going to retire 9 beautiful .I’m going to build a big garden and I’m going to keep 10 animals in the garden .Wow ,I feel excited!
【小题1】A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. tells
【小题2】A. children B. child C. animal D. animals
【小题3】A. How B. What C. When D. Where
【小题4】A. hardly B. hardly ever C. hard D. hardest
【小题5】A. big B. small C. the D. famous
【小题6】A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learns
【小题7】A. to find B. find C. to look for D. look for
【小题8】A. be B. am C. as D. for
【小题9】A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
【小题10】A. a lot B. lot of C. a lots of D. many


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