
Steve Jobs was one of the fathers of the personal computing time and the founder of Apple. He was also one of the giants of the information age. Here are some of his greatest contributions.

( ) 51.When was the Apple II invented
A. In 1976. B. In 1977. C. In 1998. D. In 2010.
( ) 52.When did the iMac first come out
A. In 1976. B. In 1998. C. In 2010. D. In 2011.
( )53.Which one was the oldest
A. The Apple II. B. The iMac. C. The iPad. D. The iPhone 4s.
( )54. From the passage, we can know that the iPad _______.
A. has a better camera B. is the first personal computer xK b1 . Co m
C. has a CD-ROM slot D. is great for watching movies
( )55.According to the passage, which of the following is True
A. iPhone 4s"screen is the same size as iPhone 4.
B. iPhone 4s has a larger and slimmer case than iPhone 4.
C. iPhone 4s uses less time to traner data than iPhone 4.
D. iPhone 4s with an improved camera is cheaper than iPhone 4.
51—55 BBADC


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