

  今天小编就为大家整理了一篇有关新概念英语第三册课后题及答案的相关内容,更多信息请关注网!   1.A正确could and would愿意并有   companion n.同伴,共事者   2.B正确on?what?conditions在什么样的基础之上   reveal vt.展现,显示,揭示,暴露   3.A正确greatly adv.很,非常   4.B正确for?a?great?many?years(用完成时)   5.D正确   6.A正确reaction n.反应,反作用   根据语法规则:   主语是ambition,duty,goal,hope,idea,intention,mistake,plan,policy,purpose,reaction,suggestion等名词的时,句子的表语必须是to不定式短语,该不定式短语是说明其内容的。   --His purpose in life was to seek truth instead of money.   --Our plan is to make better use of this material.   7.B正确   for fear+of/that   --They are working hard for fear that they should fail.   =They are working hard for fear of failure.   afraid?for侧重点表示:为...感到担心,害怕失去   --The parents are often are afraid for their children.父母常为孩子担心。   --He was afraid for his job.他害怕丢工作。   --I am not afraid for my head.我不怕掉脑袋。   8.D正确修饰money用large   9.D正确   measured adj.慎重的,有节奏的,标准的,整齐的,有规则的   regular adj.强调有规则的   disciplined n.受过训练的,遵守纪律的   10.B正确   go for a walk=go for a stroll   go on/for a trek进行艰苦的跋涉   --trek n.牛拉车旅行,艰苦跋涉   go for a trot去散步   --trot n.小跑,骑马,疾走,忙碌lane n.(乡间)小路,巷,里弄   --I‘m going for a trot down the lane.我正沿着巷子小跑。   11.C正确sure enough=as(was)expected   without a doubt adv.无疑地   as a matter of fact adv.事实上(in fact=actually实际上,事实上)   12.A正确healthy adj.的,健壮的   sane(adj.神志清楚的,头脑清楚的)=sensible(明智的,有判断力的)   今天的内容就介绍到这里了。 <


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