
In a big city, everyone is in a hurry in the early morning. People are 1 the stations, buses and cars.
They usually have no time for 2 . People work busily all day. At six o"clock in the evening, people go home
3 work. Most of the offices are closed,but some shops are still 4 .
Many people 5 at night in a big city. For example, in the hospitals nurses are as busy as usual.
In the evening, some people are going to have fun. Some are going to the cinemas. Some are going to the
concerts. You can 6 music there. You can hear the 7 of talking, laughing and singing. Tonight, there are
many people on the sidewalks (人行道). Some people stop to look 8 the shop windows. The others are 9
buses and taxis. Day and night you can find people working and playing in a big city. A big city never 10 .

( )1. A. in
( )2. A. school
( )3. A. in
( )4. A. over
( )5. A. play
( )6. A. listen
( )7. A. loudspeaker
( )8. A. at
( )9. A. waiting for
( )10. A. works B. out
B. work
B. behind
B. off
B. work
B. look
B. radio
B. up
B. looking for
B. wakes C. to
C. breakfast
C. after
C. closed
C. rest
C. play
C. sound
C. after
C. sending for
C. stops D. down
D. children
D. before
D. open
D. sleep
D. enjoy
D. voice
D. about
D. paying for
D. sleeps



1-5 CCCDB 6-10 DCAAD


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