
A telephone bell suddenly woke Mrs Whiteup. She turned on the lighht and 1 (go) toanswer
it. “Your mother _ 2 _ (be) ill sincelast night,.” said her father. I 3 (take)her to hospital. Can
you come back and help me?"Mrs White agreed.
She knew she couldn"t come back by suppertime. The weather was hot, and she was afraid themilk
would get bad. She brought out a piece ofpaper and wrote, "No person 4 .(be) intoday. Please
don"t leave anything here. "
When she retumed home at night, she 5 (find) the rooms were empty. She sawa note on the floor. It said, "Thanks a lot. Wedidn"t leave anything here. "
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



l. went 2. has been 3. will take 4. is 5. found


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