

1. Why is the man so upset?

A. Because he will have to go back to his country.
B. Because he forgot to take money to the bank.
C. Because he has not found his passport.

2. What will the man do this aftemoon?

A. He will go to the bank for his lost passport.
B. He will go to the consulate(领事馆) for his lost passport.
C. He will go back to his country.

3. When did the man notice his passport was missing?

A. When he was at the reception counter of the hotel.
B. When he was at the counter of the bank.
C. When he was at the consulate office.

4. What"s the woman"s suggestion about the man"s trouble ?

A. The man should check everywhere he was this morning.
B. The man should check the reception counter of the hotel.
C. The man should go to the consulate for a bit of advice.


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