
School was out and summer had officially begun. Many teens traded their books for bathing suits and headed to the beach. I spent my summer working.

Being a camp adviser is tiring but rewarding. In past summers, I watched the kids come and go week after week, received my paychecks, and said good-bye. The normal routine. But this year, one child stood out. His name was Matthew, a 10-year-old who lived in darkness. Matthew was blind.

I had been both expecting and dreading the first day of the camp. Who wanted to work anyway? I greet ed the kids, and told them some rules. At first, I couldn’t tell which one was Matthew. Later I introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Greg. What’s your name?” I asked.

“Matthew Howell, but not like a dog howls (嚎叫)!” he joked.

The summer progressed, and Matthew and I felt like we’d known each other forever. He often told me that he wished we were brothers. We talked about his favorite sports, music, and activities. He had a great imagination, and he would sing for the other kids while they cheered him on.

I sat on the bench on the last day of the camp and my college life would soon come up. A 10-year-old gave me advice when I expressed my worries. “Don’t give up. You’ve got nothing to stop you,” he laughed.

Then it hit me. It took me eight weeks to realize what I did at that moment. Imagine the view of a city skyline with the sun beaming through, or a field of flowers blooming in spring. Matthew was robbed of all these, but he could still make 12 kids at camp laugh. I learned to stop holding myself back and capture my goals, no matter how far-fetched they might seem. We helped each other a lot that summer. A summer I will never forget—the summer I met Matthew.

1. What can we learn from the text?

A. The author hated being a camp adviser.

B. The author and Matthew had known before the camp.

C. The author spent his summer holidays working.

D. The author was eager to go back to college.

2. What did the author learn from Matthew?

A. Trying to have fun in tough times.

B. Going after goals however far-fetched they are.

C. Enjoying the beautiful scenery in nature.

D. Doing whatever you love.

3. We can infer from the text that Matthew _____.

A. was made fun of at camp

B. was encouraged by many people at camp

C. was a blind 10-year-old boy who was very lonely

D. brought much pleasure to other kids at camp

4. The author will never forget the summer because _____.

A. he learned a lot from Matthew

B. he had a lot of fun at camp

C. he and Matthew had much in common

D. he got a very rewarding job
(一) 1-4 CBDA


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