
What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk
or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4
the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His
uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn"t a 7 one, but there"s always 8 to do on a farm. The children
help with the animals and give them their 9 . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day,
they are all 10 and Jack"s aunt gives them a big meal.
( )1.A. play
( )2.A. to
( )3.A. day
( )4.A. does
( )5.A. watches
( )6.A. Monday
( )7.A. big
( )8.A. little
( )9.A. clothes
( )10.A. clean B. stay
B. in
B. time
B. make
B. washes
B. Saturday
B. small
B. much
B. places
B. late C. live
C. at
C. autumn
C. borrows
C. driving
C. Sunday
C. hard
C. fast
C. food
C. hungry D. enjoy
D. for
D. weekdays
D. has
D. sells
D. Tuesday
D. short
D. far
D. balls
D. friendly
参考答案: 1-2 BDDAB 6-10 CABCC


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