
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370(马航370客机)
On March 8, 2014, a plane 41 (carry) 239 people lost connection with the control center. The aircraft 42 (arrive) in Beijing on March 8, 2014. The missing Malaysia Airlines plane carried 227 passengers (including two babies) and 12 crew members. There are 154 Chinese.
The reason for the lost contact is 43 investigation. The people who care most about the passengers are the family members of the passengers. They have been anxiously waiting and even getting desperate after waiting 44 (hope) for so many days.
The 45 (disappear) of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 has inevitably captured the attention of the world because so little of its fate is known. 46 hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continued 47 full speed, with more planes and ships joining the multinational search as the time 48 (leave) to find the plane’s “black-box” flight recorder runs critically low. Chinese, Australian and New Zealand aircraft each 49 (spot) objects in recent days, but items 50 were fished out of water so far have turned out to be unrelated to the missing plane.
With best wishes to the passengers!

carrying 42. should have arrived 43. under 44. hopelessly
45. disappearance 46. The 47. at 48. left 49. have spotted 50. which/that


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