
  •  两大基本考点——skimming和scanning

      其实“快速阅读”这个称谓是对这部分题型名称的一种误解,甚或说是一种误译。实际上试题册上所给的题型英文名称是Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)——阅读理解(略读与跳读)。不少考生正是由于受到所谓“快速”两字的误导,以为单纯求快就可以万事大吉,殊不知这其中是另有“隐情”。



      1. What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

      A) Her daughter"s repeated complaints.

      B) Fatigue resulting from lack of sleep.

      C) The poorly managed state of her house.

      D) The high financial costs adding up.


      A few months ago, it wasn"t unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She"d wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief intervals. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.

      诚然,从头到尾“快速”读完确实是个办法——而且也是绝大多数考生使用的办法,但这样做完全失去了skimming的意义。换个角度来说,如果每个题目都像这样把段落读完,那么十道题加在一起所积累的阅读量势必将超过15分钟的大限。其实大部分文章的段落重点或者说中心都集中在首末句上。略读所要考察的就是考生是否敢于大胆抓住首末句,抛去段落中间的无效部分,从而迅速找到答案。以本题而言,该段最后一句,尤其是but之后的“it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem”(直到她的四个女儿开始不断发出抱怨的时候她在开始意识到自己出问题了)就是答案所在位置。故而选择A选项。



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